PkGam Sucks At Fortnite, Come Laugh At Him!

5 years ago

So I played this game a few times and it's not bad! The best battle royale game for sure thanks to the unique building aspect. Dunno why, but I decided to make a video on it. Maybe some will get a kick out of it. :P Like with Yoshi's Crafted World, I'm not sure how to categorize it. You can't "beat" this as it's not a game that truly has an end, I'm a bit too new to the genre to offer much expertise and it's difficult to figure out what I do wrong in a given situation to boot since the game is really fast-paced when you get into combat.

I can't really see myself playing this a lot like other people do so I probably won't reach the level of Tfue or Ninja, but ehhh, we'll see. I may make other gameplays on it every so often. So does this now technically mean I play games online? Kind of I guess, lol! I certainly don't want to get attached to it because like all other online games, they are merely temporary experiences.


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