Understanding Narcissism: Resistance to Criticism

1 year ago

At the core of narcissism lies a fragile self-esteem. Criticism, whether perceived or genuine, can threaten to expose their vulnerability. As a defence mechanism, they tend to reject, deny, or dismiss any form of criticism to preserve their self-image as infallible.

Being highly resistant to criticism is often associated with grandiose narcissism, whereas being highly sensitive to criticism if often associated with covert narcissism.

This video looks at some of the situations where narcissistic people can be, or feel criticised, such as in the workplace, in families, in personal relationships and on social media, and gives examples of common reactions and the reasons behind those reactions.

Other videos in this series:
The disagreeable nature of narcissism https://youtu.be/dmNEbvJrYjQ

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#narcissisticbehavior #criticism #understandingnarcissism

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