Random Gameplay 69: Star Fox 2 (Normal Difficulty)

4 years ago

Oh man did this game have a history! It was hyped up for the longest time, then suddenly cancelled. It shocked everyone because it was apparently close to being finished. But we later found out it WAS finished. Along the way however, multiple prototypes leaked on to the net which seemed pretty complete. But until people played the finished one they didn't know how far they really were from completion. Actually decently far. Stuff like homing shots were moved to a powerup (greatly increasing difficulty) and multiplayer got scrapped.

Then there were all the rumors and speculation along the way from Miyamoto apparently trying to get Star Fox 2 dumbed down or closing down Argonaut Games so it wouldn't outshine his Star Fox 64 to them simply cancelling it because it was too similar in elements to Star Fox 64 to release both so 2 got canned for being near the end of the SNES's lifespan and may not have sold well. Lots' more floated around, so who knows.

You know what I bet though? They probably realized that this game is REALLY short due to forcing all sorts of technological innovations for the SNES into it taking up the game's memory and canned it, lol! Like, it's definitely not bad and it has a bunch of innovations for it's time: All-range mode 3D fighting, changing vehicles on the fly, camera control and real time strategy elements for instance. But imagine paying full price for this back on the SNES. :P It's more like a minigame than a full game. It does have replay value due to randomized seeds mixing things up as to where you need to go and deal with. But no area is all that big or long which may be partly due to the whole "gotta go fast" idea to keep up. Even the final area, which is the longest, can be beat pretty quickly.

It was kind of funny because I had the SNES classic for a good while now and held off on playing this until fairly recently because of what I already mentioned before: Star Fox games generally didn't resonate with me for various reasons, lol! But one day I was feeling spunky and went: "You know what, let's try it anyway". So I did.... and beat it in under an hour. I thought to myself: "THAT'S IT?!?! Then another day I beat it twice in a day as I was looking for collectables/exploring. With the recent beating being today. :P

Bonus: Nintendo released a manual for this game online for all to read. It also contains some development sketches/concepts. Link:


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#Star #Fox #StarFox #2 #SNES

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