Fortnite - Season 10 Live Event: The End

4 years ago

While I doubt this is the end of the game (especially since they talked about adding stuff like bots and whatnot next season, lol!), all signs seem to be pointing towards getting a whole new map or at least a heavily changed one. But who knows. They might just be messing with us.

As of right now the game's servers are down and trying to log in only leads to the black hole/eclipse. You don't even have to log in actually as Epic is live streaming it on all their accounts and website. See here:

They also blacked out all their social media account icons (even going so far as to delete all their Twitter posts except for their most recent) and put the black hole/eclipse as their header images. No real indicator as to when this will be over either. People like Lucas7Yoshi looking for data found indications it'll end Tuesday at 6AM:
Then later it was updated to Thursday at 4AM:
So they may be expecting data scourers to do their thing and are tweaking things to throw people off. That may also be for "just" their website too. Not to be synchronized with what they have the game set up to do. Or be totally meaningless.

Guess' we'll see when we see! But the only thing for certain is the game is currently not playable in any form. Not even creative.

Time Stamps:
0:00 Pregame Team Rumble match and thoughts (Mostly thoughts as I was more focused on looking around than fighting)
10:19 Start of "The End" live event
23:22 "The Visitor" message and what the "Spooky Numbers" mean
33:35 Durr Burger space shooter minigame
39:40 Logging out then back in experiment


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#Fortnite #LiveEvent #TheEnd

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