I FINALLY Found Fortnite's Rapid Fire SMG!

4 years ago

This saga was just ridiculous, lol!

I was finding MULTIPLE epic-rarity (purple) things before that SMG: Two Pistols, Shockwave Grenades, A Tactical Shotgun... Even a Rare (blue) Slurpfish someone didn't take. But no Rapid Fire SMG! Then there it was.... staring at me in a garage on a island. Mocking me that it was there all along! I wipe someone with it and then find they were carrying a better Rapid Fire SMG. Just... really? I get none in 3 games and most of this game, then get two in a short timespan?

Somehow after that though, IO Guards were finding their way into the fort I took over. B-but... how?!?! There's so many builds and I didn't hear them chopping away. One even got right next to me without me noticing. But the end................. THAT END! lol!

Such' a silly game overall which is why I uploaded it. Not many fights until the end, just silliness.


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#Fortnite #Season5 #Exploring #RapidFireSmg #NewUpdate #15.50

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