12 Irrational Beliefs that can Hold You Back

1 year ago

Human beings are prone to developing irrational, limiting beliefs, which often lead to distorted perceptions of reality and hinder personal growth. These irrational beliefs, identified by psychologist Albert Ellis, shed light on the faulty thinking patterns that can negatively impact our lives.

By examining these twelve irrational beliefs, we can recognise the fallacious thinking patterns that can hinder personal development and well-being. Awareness of these beliefs is the first step towards challenging and replacing them with rational and empowering perspectives. By cultivating a more realistic and adaptive mindset, individuals can navigate life's challenges more effectively and experience greater personal growth and fulfilment and improve overall mental health.

Looking at the beliefs from a general perspective, the perspective of having been in a narcissistic relationship, as well as how they might apply to a narcissistic person.

#recoveryfromabuse #recoveryforlife #narcissistrelationship

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