Graphic designing full course 07| DigiSkills|@FreelancingJourney with QualifiedMentors

10 months ago

Graphic designing full course 07| DigiSkills|@FreelancingJourney with QualifiedMentors
.Text Wrap : A word processing term to describe text that surrounds other elements, such as images.

Texture : A visual characteristic meant to emulate tactility on a two-dimensional image.

Thumbnail : A miniature version of an original web image.

Thumbnail Sketch : Rough drafts of a design concept.

TIFF : Acronym for Tagged Image File Format. Refers to raster image files that can be lossless compressed.

Tile : To arrange images in equal sizes across the workspace. Also refers to any pattern that can be replicated to fill an object or applied by the brush tool.

Tint : To create a shade or variety of any color.

Tolerance : This setting determines the range of color that the Magic Wand tool selects.

Tools panel : A menu that contains all of the tools needed to use the program.

Tracking : In typography, this means letter spacing.

Transform tools : Tools that allow you to alter an image or element. They include Scale, Rotate, Resize, and Reflect.

Triadic : A three-color color scheme that's built from colors equally spaced around the color wheel. For example, RGB.

True Color System : This system provides up to 16,777,216 possible colors using a 24-bit value.


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