The Counter-Revolution Revisited - Senior High Boys Twice as Likely to Be Conservative

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Date – Tuesday, August 1st, 2023 – St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri

1. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri was born in Naples, Italy, in 1696, into a noble family.

2. He excelled academically, becoming a doctor of law at the University of Bologna by the age of 16.

3. Alphonsus pursued a successful career as a lawyer and gained a reputation as one of the leaders of the Neapolitan Bar by age 26.

4. However, a legal setback caused by a dispute involving different feudal law codes led him to question the pursuit of earthly achievements and focus more on piety.

5. At age 30, Alphonsus experienced a divine appeal to leave the world and dedicate himself to God, leading to his decision to enter the ecclesiastical state.

6. He was ordained in 1726 and spent the next six years engaging in an intense apostolate, giving missions and preaching to the poor in rural areas.

7. Alphonsus founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (the Redemptorist Order) to continue his work of evangelizing and caring for the humble people.

8. In the later part of his life, he concentrated on writing, especially in the field of Moral Theology, drawing from his experience in confessing thousands of souls.

9. Despite numerous offers, Alphonsus declined to become an archbishop but accepted the Bishopric of St. Agatha of the Goths in 1762, where he reformed the diocese and faced assassination attempts.

10. He lived the last years of his life in suffering, battling physical and moral torments, and passed away in 1787 at the age of 90.

St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri, pray for us!

INTRO – Happy Tuesday

Howdy to Catholic Spirit Radio since June

Sammy Rodriguez Jr, President of the Guadalupe Radio Network, wants to share an inspiring and encouraging message with you during these trying times. Look out for a letter from Sammy in the coming days, which will reveal valuable insights for daily growth. If you don't receive it, please reach out to Sammy at, and he will gladly send one to you.

When someone uses the OH MY GOD statement. I say Praise be His Holy Name. I dare you to say it.

And – at 15 past the hour, High School Senior Boys Nearly Twice as Likely to Identify as Conservative Over Liberal

Also – at 30 past the hour, The Counter-Revolution Revisited with Charles Coulombe

Plus – in the next hour,

As always – we have the fear and trembling game show with a prize from

Prayers of Emily Esserman and her daughter Siena

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