Passive GPT–AI For Unwilling Review (highepc)| PAYS 100% COMMISSIONS

1 year ago

Introducing Passive GPT:
The world’s first app that gives Chat-GPT live access to both your voice, and the voice of all content you digest – either on your devices or in your environment, then wraps that content inside “super-prompts” which direct the AI to generate NEW content and assets.. without your having to write a single character.

Passive GPT is a new variant of the popular language model GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). Unlike traditional GPT models, which are designed for generating human-like text and actively engaging in conversations, Passive GPT is tailored explicitly for receiving and processing information in a more receptive manner.

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The primary goal of Passive GPT is to function as an advanced question-answering and information retrieval system. Instead of generating text proactively, it focuses on understanding and analyzing the context of incoming queries and providing precise and informative answers.

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