8 years ago

A film by: Neal Howland -
Editing, Grading & Sound Design: Neal Howland
Music: Speak, We're Listening - Ryan Taubert (
Words: OSHO Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Answering a hard question: "How was India?"
In a land of sensory overload I’ve seen, heard, touched, tasted, and smelled more than I ever thought possible. Honestly, words fail me. So, this is my attempt to answer that question, with footage that I captured while on an epic tour of India last month. I hope that you enjoy!

New Delhi, Old Delhi, Agra, (Rajasthan: Jodhpur, Jaipur, Udaipur)

Sony A6300 w/ 16-50mm on Beholder MS1 Gimbal
Panasonic Lumix GH4 w/ 12-35mm
DJI Mavic

The world has enough technology now
If it’s old prejudices and stupidity can be dropped
We can make the whole world a paradise, nothing is lacking
If we can reach to the moon
If we can create so much destructive power
The same power can be transferred into creativity.
You are a guest
Leave this Earth, a little more beautiful
For those unknown guests who will be following you
Nobody belongs here
But for the moment we are here
And we have to make this moment as beautiful as possible.
Wherever you are, it will be here and now
Live as intensely and totally now
Otherwise, life goes on slipping from your hands like water
Soon you will have empty hands
And meeting death with empty hands, is an utter failure.

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