Plandemic: The AIDS and COVID-19 Q&A Interview With Renowned Research Scientist Dr. Judy Mikovits

1 year ago

The COVID-19 debacle is a tale often repeated in history. It’s a tale of lies, deceit, dirty money, and the corruption of federal agencies. We must never forget those who spoke out early and paid the price for their integrity. They are heroes.

Dr. Judy Mikovits, a renowned research scientist, was maligned and persecuted by the "Administrative State." This is one of many stories that serve to expose the extent to which corruption has taken over government agencies in the United States.

Once we understand that an "Administrative State" has no regard for ethics, morality, or goodness as understood by the ordinary individual walking this earth, the actions of THIS "State" become clear. Citizens, elected officials, our constitutional republic, law enforcement, scientists, and doctors have no value except to further the power and financial gain of the members of this State. This state is above all, including the law.

One of the tools used by these corrupt agencies is to silence whistleblowers by removing their ability to speak freely, make an income, defend themselves in court against bogus charges, and use corporate power to malign, distort, and ridicule those brave enough to speak up. Dr. Judy Mikovits makes it clear: we will not shut up.

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