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More Media Gaslighting As Epidemic of "Coincidences" Grows

1 year ago

Steve Kirsch
Source: www.rumble.com/v33mj6b-more-media-gaslighting-as-epidemic-of-coincidences-grows-counter-narrative-.html
Steve Kirsch joins Counter Narrative to react to more media gaslighting - even in the face of more evidence of the jab's myocarditis correlations and more high-profile public injuries. He also shares the growing concerns over other vaccines and the research validating potential dangers. Kirsch is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, MIT graduate, and philanthropist who has founded seven companies. After getting the Covid-19 jab, and hearing potential side-effect concerns from family and friends, he started questioning the narrative. Kirsch is the founder of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation. He has one of the most widely read Substacks in the world!

Check Out Seth’s Substack Here:

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Can we stop adopting and perpetuating THEIR sanitised legalise terminologies and call "Autism" what it is? Vaccines cause "BRAIN DAMAGE". Same applies to "Dementia", "Alzheimer's Disease", "Mental Illness", "Psychopathy" et cetera. AKA: Lobotomy by injection.