New Testament Letter to Hebrews – Strange 1st Christian Gospel – Circa 60 AD – CE

11 months ago

Audio Mp3 of Video (5:31 min)
Audio Reading of Book of Hebrews – Mp3 (52:57 min)
The Christ depicted in this gospel is a heavenly spirit who is a rabbi and priest of the perfect temple in the heavens. The temple in Jerusalem is an imperfect copy and the priestly rabbis are imperfect humans making a weak sacrifice of animals each year for the sins of the Jewish people.

In the social and political ferment of the Eastern Mediterranean, conquered first by Hellenizing Greeks and then Romans, many Jewish people questioned the Temple priests and different subgroups formed with unorthodox ideas.

Evidence surfaced in caves in the deserts with writings stored in clay pots with some echoes of stories of a ‘great teacher.’ The Dead Sea Scrolls were stumbled upon decades ago, and in Egypt religious works were found hidden in clay pots to avoid destruction by whoever was in charge then.

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