Eating for Optimal Health in the 21st Century

10 months ago

Have you ever wondered why all of our new medicines are not getting people healthier, or why following a low fat, low meat, high fruit diet is not helping you feel better?

This video encompasses all of the information which David covers during the Healthy Eating portion of his 10 week course. It also includes a few inserted video clips on very important health topics like sugar and Aspartame. (NutraSweet®).

Thousands of people have benefitted from David’s knowledge and from making the changes they learned from watching this video or from actually attending his classes in person.

Isn’t it time to begin to improve your health and the health of your family? There is no time like the present to get started.

David Getoff is a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, and an elected member of both the International College of Integrative Medicine and the American College of Nutrition. David is a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine and is an approved provider for the California Board of Registered Nursing. He is also the Vice President of the 60 year old Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,

David has produced over a dozen educational videos on topics ranging from cancer, heart disease, detoxification, and diabetes to seasoning foods and making healthy salad dressings. He has been teaching this health course, which he developed, for over 20 years.

David has given lectures at medical nutritional, and dental conferences, as well as organic farming conferences across the US.

He is the author of Abundant Health in a Toxic World, co-author of Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally, and has been a paid expert witness in the field of clinical nutrition.

David has added articles, MP3’s, and other information that he feels the learner would benefit from receiving that can be found on his website:

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