Tired of Your Imagination Conjuring Up trash in Your Mind?

1 year ago

Best hack for a powerful Christian life! How your imagination helps you become a powerhouse in the Kingdom of God! Learn how this Southern girl on snow ski slopes was transformed!

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Kingdom Purpose Life with Marjorie Lou

Youtube channel @marjorielou

MUST READ - "Becoming a Powerful Christian - 7 Secrets to a Life of Miracles and Answered Prayer" BEST-SELLING Book by Marjorie Lou.

In such a time as this, YOU MUST KNOW HOW MIRACLES WORK. They are not just for the super-spiritual. They are for YOU! This life-changing book introduces you to the reality of God's Kingdom, how it works, and how God makes His immeasurable greatness of power available to you. Finally experience miracles and healing in your life! Explains in detail what “Behind the Veil” really means.
Autographed copies available in the shop! Great gift idea!
Amazon.com in Kindle, paperback, hardback, Audible
And at your favorite bookstore

FREE COURSES for Christians!

Get off the spiritual couch and get strong in the Word of God! Time to understand the Kingdom and how to function efficiently in it. Critical training for times such as this.

Discover your Kingdom Purpose Life and get trained to walk it out!

Did I say FREE? Why yes! I did!

BOOK MARJORIE LOU for your event!

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