I'm a street cat (I had a heartache with you people)

1 year ago

I'm a street cat, just a simple street cat, I have no name and no identity. They say I'm the smartest breed of cats, but it doesn't matter to me. I just want to live peacefully. I want people to love me and them. They are very big creatures, but some of them are kind, but many of them are very cruel and bother us a lot, but I wish we could find those kind people more easily, because we need their help. It is very difficult to live outside and find food, especially in In the cold season, many of us lose our lives... Some people say that we are very lazy because we attach ourselves to them, but that is not the case. We want to tell them how much we love them and thank them for helping us, but we can't. Let's talk and we have to tell them our message with our body movements... My story is long, but I'm used to waiting and I'm waiting for the day when you all love me and understand that we all love you.

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