This is Powerful! "Deliverance" Energies Coming To Lightworkers From The 777 Gateway / PART ONE

1 year ago

Greetings to all during this amazing, transformative time frame of July 2nd - 10th. This is charged energetically with "Deliverance" frequencies. This episode includes channeled messages and a clearing, healing, light language activation and shielding at the end. Enjoy, from my heart to yours. In loving service, Holly Jo Bouchard and

#FrederickDouglass #Juneteenth #IndependenceDay #EnergyUpdate #AwakeningCodes #777GatewayPortal #SiriusGateway #Deliverance #Transendence #CosmicConsciousness #SoulSovreignty #NewBeginnings #AscensionMentor #Healing #SuperFullMoon #ChanneledMessages #MasterHealer

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