The Power Within You

10 months ago

We are "infinite potential having a human experience"... I'm sure you've heard that before, but we really are Spirit in a physical body and we are made of so much power, light and energy that we absolutely can create (almost) anything.

The problem is, that we don't see ourselves as powerful.

Our childhood stuff gets in the way, our limitations, our lack of self worth and confidence holds us back...

And then we try to push and control to make things work but at that point we are out of balance - out of our flow of abundance and then everything begins to feel really hard. And the harder it feels, the more out of balance we get until we reach the point where we don't even trust ourselves to make the right decisions, in life or in business anymore. We are at a loss.

It's a vicious spiral that takes us down but I know that all of this is correctable - we just have to learn how to use our energy wisely and powerfully.

This to me, is empowerment and it's all about coming into alignment with the power that is within you - your divine essence - your Soul.

If you're interested to join my upcoming course which addresses all of this "mis-alignment" you can get all the details here:
(We start on 17th August - early bird until 12th August)

Karen is an Energy and Psycho Spiritual Coach, Soul Purpose Guide, Multidimensional Healer and Teacher.
For over 25 years she has taught all aspects of psychic development, healing, meditation, channelling and mediumship.
She has developed her own modality - Multidimensional Hypnotherapy - as well as a Quantum Visioning Process which produce profound results and literally bends time and space.
She is a Lightbody Technology Specialist and maintains direct communication with the Source and the Founding Races of this planet.
She has been a Speaker at Spiritual Festivals and Events around Australia and has conducted mass healing and activations for hundreds of people at a time.
She mostly works with spiritual women, empowering them to become the best version of themselves that they can be by becoming authentic in all aspects of their life and she encourages all of us to uncover our own unique gifts and talents and to share them with the world.

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