SC - Gonna Go Wreck Some Noobs at Ghost Hollow

1 year ago

Welcome to amateur hour lmao.. I was the noob here. These guys actually decided not to kill me. They were kind enough to cut me in to the earning and help pull security. We were making bank too, until the server 30k'd. After the crash I went right back, but it was a different server. Thats actually where i got blown up in my Pisces C8R by a Vanguard Sentinel. I promptly went back and blew up every ship before landing and making some more credits. Ghost Hollow is fun for PvP and I wouldn't expect a warm welcome. But this isn't DayZ where everyone is trying to kill you and take your gear either. Well yet. Enjoy.

Thank You

Music: Mission Impossible - Wales Philharmonic Orchestra

Music: Mission Impossible (Flute Cover) - xaina (on YT)

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