Women's Bathroom Trans Spectacle

1 year ago

Do you know why there is so much of a push back to those in the trans community and LGBTQ? Well it's because things like what's in this video. A trans woman is in the women's bathroom waiting for a stall, and as this individual waits, you can see they are "EXCITED" and video taping other women in the bathroom without their consent. Mind you this could be your wife, sister, mother, or child caught in this video.

The LGBTQ and the trans community swear this doesn't happen and it does. NOW I don't think an actual TRANS WOMAN would do something like this. I do believe someone who uses the costume of trans to access places to do things like this IS the culprit.

This behavior is absolutely DISGUSTING and it's a crime yet the woman video taping was attacked by LGBTQ and Activists for being a homophobic, transphobic bigot. She had every right to be upset and video tape it, but she is the one villainized for exposing the truth.

Women are in trouble, they are accused of advocating for this and now they got it. I don't think this is what they meant, they advocated for their right to exist and be left alone as good humans should want for anyone.

I show this video and discuss my POV.

Social handle. emmalynndowd

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