The John Birch Society: Equipping Americans to Win

1 year ago

In this episode of The Sentinel Report, Alex Newman, co-author of the book "Crimes of the Educators," interviews Lisa von Geldern, the National Event Coordinator for the JBS, to discuss an important event coming up in Iowa. Don't miss it!

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In the news, Alex covers:

1—RFK Jr. is denied secret service protection.

Kennedy tweeted today:
"Since the assassination of my father in 1968, candidates for president are provided Secret Service protection. But not me. 
Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days.  After 88-days of no response and after several follow-ups by our campaign, the Biden Administration just denied our request.  Secretary Mayorkas: "I have determined that Secret Service protection for Robert F Kennedy Jr. is not warranted at this time."
Our campaign's request included a 67-page report from the world's leading protection firm, detailing unique and well-established security and safety risks aside from commonplace death threats."

2--New Mexico’s state-funded abortion hotline refers women to a Satanic Temple-run clinic.
"Why are taxpayers of New Mexico forced to promote the Satanic Temple religious abortion center through the pro-abortion governor’s hotline?" asked Elisa Martinez, the executive director of the New Mexico Alliance for Life.

3—A victim of "gender affirming care" speaks out in Congress in powerful testimony.

4--Global cooling became global warming, then climate change, then climate crisis, then climate emergency, then climate hell. Now it's global boiling. Well, at least the UN chief socialist said so.

5--The percentages of Americans who believe in five "religious entities"—God, angels, heaven, hell, and the devil are at new lows, a new Gallup News poll found. Gallup has polled Americans five times since 2001 about their belief in these five entities, with the most recent showing "each…at its lowest point." The survey was conducted between May 1-24, 2023, with 1,011 U.S. adults. The margin of sampling error is +4 percentage points at the 95 percent confidence level.

"Compared with 2001, belief in God and heaven is down the most (16 points each), while belief in hell has fallen 12 points, and the devil and angels are down 10 points each," the poll report states. Even so, majorities believe in each of the five entities, including 74 percent who believe in God, 69 percent in angels, 67 percent in heaven, 59 percent in hell, and 58 percent in the devil.

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