Ep. 99 - Shifting Spheres of Power, with Ian Ferguson

1 year ago

Thanks for tuning into another Deep Share. On this episode, Ian Ferguson of the White Lotus of Light joins me for a very deep discussion on history, consciousness, and how humanity's spiritual development coincides with the agendas we see today. Ian's thesis on Molochians/Luciferians/Most High is a fascinating model for the prime archetypes present in humanity throughout our recorded story. This is what drew me to Ian's work to begin with - the distinctions in characteristics and behaviors described in his theory line up identically with my Old vs New hypothesis as well. Ian has flushed these ideas out in much greater detail though.

We also get into the deepest of topics - One soul vs Many. I'm still on the fence about this, despite my own transcendental experiences. However, Ian provides a lot of grounded truth within the metaphysics he works with and I certainly feel more optimistic after this incredible conversation.

Ian Ferguson:

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