Make A Genuine Connection

1 year ago

My quick spin on rapport is you find something genuine about the home or the property that stands out. A genuine compliment or an acknowledgement. If someone is wearing a watch that is unique, they're doing it because it makes 'em feel good. But when I just say, Hey, that's really sharp, all of a sudden people become your best buddy. Find that authentic compliment.

Number two, genuinely like the person. People like people who like them. And that comes through, this is my favorite part of the day, is actually interacting, fall in love with your customer from a service mindset. They feel it. So instead of the the, the canned generic bull crap, like, oh pretty lawn, my wife and I used to garden.

Is that zucchini? It looks beautiful. Man, you better harvest those now cuz by tomorrow they're gonna triple in size and all of a sudden you just have this common ground. Love your customers, be genuine and just find that one thing.

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