The Basic Questions You MUST Ask In ALL Car Crash Cases! [BJP#154] - [Call 312-500-4500]

11 months ago
The Basic Questions In All Car Accident Cases

In this Episode, Scott and Amelia talk about the basics of all injury cases. Namely: WHO caused the injury; and WHAT harm was caused?

These two questions form the basis for all injury cases, and that's true of complex cases as well as pretty strightforward car crashes. Scott also explains what sort of damages you can ask for in car crash injury cases.

So give it a look see! :)

I make these videos so injured people know what they are dealing with.

If you'd like to know more, I created a FREE Injury DVD and Book called "The Five Biggest Secrets of Illinois Injury and Accidients Cases and Claims". I offer it to injured people for 100% no cost and no obligation.

To get your free copy, just click here:

Need help RIGHT NOW? Or a no-charge Case Strategy Session?

Call 1-312-500-4500 - 24 hour phone line - call now!

Want More Info On how injury cases work? Check out my web site:

Thanks for watching and let me know if I can help. :)

Scott D. DeSalvo
1-312-500-4500 - 24 hour phone line - call now!
Injury Lawyer

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