Westminster Accounts: Powerful group of Tory MPs scrutinised by expenses watchdog.

11 months ago

A powerful group of northern Tory MPs are being scrutinised by the parliamentary expenses watchdog after a Sky News investigation into the way they use public money. The investigation found nearly two dozen MPs received political donations from a private donor to help them with campaigning - weeks after they joined the Northern Research Group (NRG) and authorised thousands of pounds of taxpayer-funded expenses to be spent on its work. This raises questions about whether MPs authorised public funding to be spent on the NRG because they knew they would be rewarded with a campaign donation.

Sky News Exclusive

Westminster Accounts: As betting firms spend more than £200,000 wooing MPs - Analysis

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Boris Johnson's pay accounts for 85% of all outside earnings declared by MPs so far this year

Westminster Accounts: 'The next big scandal' - Informal groups of MPs given £20m from external organisations since 2019

The Story so far:

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