Deception at A Cosmic Scale - James Bartley Commentary

1 year ago

Part 2:
In this latest edition of Bartley's Commentaries on the Cosmic Wars, James discusses the mass mind manipulation perpetrated by the Director of Choice for the Shape Shifting Elite. James also discusses the concept of the Deep Fake and Strategic Deception. Surface Level Truthers dismiss out of hand the notion that aliens can have an overt takeover of this planet. An all out takeover is certainly within the realm of possibility. We are nearing an End Game Scenario. In all likelihood it is the hybrid reptilian plantation managers at the behest of their off world and Interdimensional pureblood masters that are behind the whole Blue Beam Deep FakePsyop. This psyop exploits the FEAR and IGNORANCE of Surface Level Truthers.

This is the ultimate Strategic Deception Operation.

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