Thousands of children in England facing ‘heartbreaking’ waits for NHS dental care

11 months ago

Thousands of children in England are experiencing “heartbreaking” long waits for NHS dental care, with some waiting “in agony” for years to have teeth extracted, according to shocking new figures. Health leaders and MPs warned of a “perfect storm” in which children are struggling to access dentists to nip minor issues “in the bud”, and then facing horrific waiting times for operations to fix problems that have spiralled out of control.
Data obtained under freedom of information laws and reviewed by the Guardian show children in some parts of England are waiting up to 18 months on average for dental procedures under general anaesthetic, principally tooth extractions. Some have waited several years.
About 27,000 children were on waiting lists for specialist dental care, assessments or procedures in January, according to the figures obtained by the Liberal Democrats from the NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBSA).

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