31 07 23 for ALL TO THE CAUSE ECCTV TELETHON for August 2023 - David P Griffiths

1 year ago

Remarkable intercessions in view of the attack on our ministry in Whithorn just as in the days of the Covenanters when establishment church and government officials looked to suppress those proclaiming the true Gospel by drowning, shooting and killing Covenanters by many means just as the same spirits today operate through the same officials but this time trying to bankrupt us.

INTERCESSION 1 through Suresh Ramachandran right at the beach where Ninian first brought the Gospel to Scotland building a "white house" just as we have done, our white house coming under the unjust laws of state as in the days of the Covenanters.

INTERCESSION 2 again through Suresh at the marshes at Wigtown where Margarets McLachlan and Wilson were drowned on stakes once the tide had come in.

The women were executed for their refusal to take the Oath of Abjuration and acknowledge James VII as head of the Scottish church.

It is said that an informer had told of their stand of proclaiming Christ Jesus King and the fact that the true believer has personal relationship rather than having to go through a bishop. They refused to renounce their Christ Jesus and consequently drowned as part of the "killing times" of covenanters.

Informers and government officials today operating by the same devilish spirits still try and suppress the true Gospel, as does the establishment church. We know this today to our cost at Whithorn, but their kingdoms always pass away whilst the true Kingdom of God can never be suppressed.

INTERCESSION NO 3 is at Cardoness House where Rees Howells after seeing the Solemn League and Covenant written in blood was inspired by the Holy Ghost to found this ministry.

INTERCESSION No 4 is at the Anwoth Old Covenanter Kirk and at the gravesite of Col and Mrs Stewart - Mrs Stewart having played a significant role in all of this.

We ask you to take to the Lord what you should give at this time as we look to overcome the attacks the establishment church and state are putting on us as well as enabling us in the Lord's name to rebuild an even better studio with pictures from it being seen all over the world and words from it "perfecting the saints" for the work of the ministry.

ECCTV.ORG for Stewardship and PAYPAL BUTTONS on the footer - Cheques written to "BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES", 23-27 George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS.

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