From Geneva and New York to the Wokest Clutch of Nations: "Wellbeing Economy" Governments - UKC

1 year ago

From Geneva and New York to the Wokest Clutch of Nations: "Wellbeing Economy" Governments
- The Scottish Government: Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo)
- Wellbeing Economy Alliance: Wellbeing Economy Governments 
- UK Supreme Court: The Christian Institute and others (Appellants) v The Lord Advocate 
- Igor [Chudov]'s Newsletter: WEF-supported "Wellbeing Economy" is a Reincarnation of Marxist Totalitarianism
- World Economic Forum: What is Australia's first national well-being framework?
- The Conversation: Australia’s first wellbeing framework is about to measure what matters—but it’s harder than counting GDP
- OECD: Well-being and mental health—Towards an integrated policy approach
- Club of Rome: Earth for All—A Survival Guide for Humanity

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