CIA Operative E Howard Hunt told his attorney friend Douglas Caddy in 1975 that JFK was assassinated because of the USA's most VITAL SECRET. The ALIEN PRESENCE👽

1 year ago

With E Howard Hunt losing his Watergate trial and about to go to prison in April 1975 for 33 months he had his last dinner with Watergate Attorney & close friend of 6 years Douglas Caddy. When they left the restaurant Douglas knew this was probably going to be the last time he sees E Howard Hunt as he knew Howard was high up in the CIA network and involved in the OSS since WW2 before becoming the CIA in 1947 so outside the restaurant about to part ways and say good bye, Douglas knowing he would not see Hoard again asked Howard why President Kennedy was assassinated and Howard Hunt told him "John Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to give away OUR most VITAL SECRET to the Soviets" and Douglas replied "What vital secret?" and Howard Hunt leaned in and looked right into his eyes and answered "The ALIEN PRESENCE" at which time they shook hands and parted ways. It would be 31 years later before Douglas Caddy would begin researching it on his own about this from the work of Stanton Friedman and others.
Source: Dark Journalist

2 Documents that JFK signed on November 12th 1963 about informing the intelligence agencies to prepare to have their information shared with the Soviets.

Documents Show JFK Was Murdered Days After Demanding UFO Files From CIA- The People's Voice (January 6th 2016)

Was JFK killed because of his interest in aliens? Secret memo shows president demanded UFO files 10 days before death -By DAILY MAIL REPORTER April 19th 2011

Nov 12, 1963 JFK Memo requesting Classification of all UFO intelligence 10 days before his death

These documents were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

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