Lyndon Johnson's mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown recalls what LBJ told her the day BEFORE the JFK assassination

1 year ago

LBJ's mistress Madeleine Duncan Brown recalls the day before the JFK assassination on November 21st 1963 that she was at Clinton Murchison's house (The Clint Murchison Meeting) where Vice President Lyndon Johnson, FBI Director J Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Oil tycoon HL Hunt & other rich people met in a room to discuss something in secret.

Madeleine recalls that when Vice President Lyndon Johnson came out of that meeting he was FUMING MAD where he grabbed her by the arms and said
"After tomorrow, those SONS OF BITCHES will never embarrass me again! That is no threat. That's a PROMISE!!".
Lyndon referred to the Kennedys as the Irish Mafia.

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