INTJ & ISFJ: comparison and contrast.

1 year ago

Superego types, INTJ & ISFJ. One takes the high road, the other takes the low road, each going the other way for natural stress basically. Let the fun begin. -_-

Time for more downvotes by those who already have a favorite school of thought, or find me not entertaining enough, or hate me as a person, or whatever the heck their stupid ordeal may be. -_-

This is my own school of thought, but congrats if you prefer another. It's all "pseudoscience" anyways, so try not to be too uptight about which hobbyhorse you hold dearest.

This is the way I see it, regardless of contrast with the official MBTI brand or socionics A or G, or C.S. Joseph's version based on Berens and Beebe. You like your system, or you think it's all bunk; but I really don't care and dealing with such tediousness is tiresome so try not to annoy me with being argumentative or disliking what I say just because you prefer a different school of thought. -_-

So yeah, if you try to pick a fight or do that "well actually, according to this school of thought", you can remember this: I DON'T GIVE A CRAP. You can disagree, but I'm not going to bother with the tedious endless debate anymore than I wish to try to convince atheists of the existence of God ad infinitum (as if I could directly alter the supercomputer in their skulls, that they don't care to use for themselves in this exhausting matter. Try to build a robot of the same level of complexity and see how that goes.)

Like, "hey, you have to be my search engine and prove everything to my endlessly shifting goalposts of insanity, or else I don't see you as fully human!" Go take a hike, I'm so tired of that nonsense, I hate it. Seek and ye shall find, but nagging and doing all those ad hominems, ad ridiculums, ad freakin' naseum is absolutely unappreciated, okay? Good grief.

I do see my own syncretism as the most probable, as I'm sure you see your favorite school of thought as its whole thing too or whatever. Good for you. Here are my views, enjoy if you can, but make life unbearable for me and I'm sick of it already.

And heck, if this is just all "pseudoscience" anyhow, then who should care? It still can be useful for creating characters in writing, even if not fully reflecting the nature of truth in this matter; so use what you can to make other things work, whether in understanding others or in making fictional characters.

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