Baby Megalodon? Footage of the 'largest great white shark' ever finally revealed - TomoNews

9 months ago

LA PAZ, MEXICO — An environmental group in Mexico has released footage of probably the biggest great white shark anyone has ever seen. Pelagio Kankujá Marine Conservation in Mexico named the shark "Deep Blue". She measures 20 feet long and is estimated to be around 50 years old. The footage was captured in 2013 during a dive near Isla Guadalupe, a volcanic island west of Mexico. Deep Blue was also believed to be pregnant at the time. Mauricio Padilla, director Pelagio Kankujá, told Live Science that the shark was swimming too close to the diving cage so the divemaster tried to gently push the shark away so it didn't get hurt by the pointed ends of the cage. Great whites are listed as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List, due to their being hunted for their fins and jaws.

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