Isn't recent serious urban flooding caused by the CCP intentionally discharging water from the dams?

10 months ago

7/30/2023 Communist China has been hit by a typhoon recently, and many places are experiencing severe flooding. So much so that even "fountains" have appeared in department stores in Tianjin. Meanwhile, the CCP's state media are unanimously blaming the flooding on the drainage system. However, isn't this serious urban flooding caused by the CCP intentionally discharging water from the dams before heavy rainfall?
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
7/30/2023 中共国最近出现台风天气,多地都可以“看海”,就连天津的超市里面都出现了“喷泉”,与此同时,中共各大媒体都异口同声地甩锅给下水道。但如此严重的内涝难道不是中共又双叒叕在大雨前开闸泄洪导致的吗?
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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