Ocean-X divers went to the Baltic Sea-Something Is Happening In The Ocean

11 months ago

In 2011, a team of Ocean-X divers went to the Baltic Sea for yet another expedition. They planned to find valuable historical artifacts, or at least elite alcohol from long-sunk ships, and didn't even know that they would stumble upon something much more important. When the treasure hunters turned on the sonar at a depth of 87 meters, they found a strange, quite large rounded object. Smooth edges, elements of ideal geometric shape, and right angles, which nature could hardly create, are clearly visible on the stone disk. The media started calling it the Millennium Falcon because its shape resembles a spaceship from Star Wars. So did divers find a sunken alien spaceship at the bottom of the Baltic Sea? Immediately upon returning from the expedition, the Ocean-X team approached the artist Hauke Wacht. He was asked to draw a blurry image captured by sonar more clearly. To date, this illustration is considered the closest to reality. Looks exciting, even though the drawing doesn't convey how big the found object is. But if you compare its size with a human, you'll see that this thing is simply gigantic. The width of the stone disk reaches 61 meters, while the length goes up to 70 meters. It's like three tennis courts. Looking closely, the stone block seems to be decorated with elements resembling ramps and stairs. Some angles of the structure are right and clearly equal to 90 degrees. The object has surprisingly regular geometric shapes that couldn't be created by chance, right? But many scientists disagree with this. In their opinion, the picture of the anomaly found by the Ocean-X team was of poor quality. Skeptics explain the resemblance to UFOs by the fact that in cases where we can't see a clear picture, the human imagination likes to draw something that doesn't exist and never has. Therefore, there's supposedly nothing to be surprised about, and there's no need to look for the presence of aliens in the waters of the Baltic Sea. Some even hinted that it was really advantageous for Ocean-X to ask the artist to make an illustration of the find so that it looked like a flying saucer, because this way their story received more publicity. This pissed off the Ocean-X employees because they didn't voice any assumptions regarding the origin of the anomaly. They simply wanted to reliably show their find to the public, and doubting the quality of their technical equipment is merely stupid. Ocean-X has at its disposal the 56-meter research vessel Ocean MV Aleutia, equipped with various professional cameras and even a helipad. It was they who first captured the giant sea squid, studied karst funnels, and also retrieved the wreckage of a passenger plane from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, called the Airbus A330, which crashed in 2009. The company team decided to show scientists that Ocean-X employees are the same researchers who will do everything for the truth's sake. Therefore, a year later, they went to the Baltic Sea yet again. This time, the team was better equipped and took a more powerful sonar, while the divers plunged to the very bottom, right to the mysterious object. Diver Stefan Høgeborn was very surprised when he first touched the anomaly with his hand. After all, as soon as he cleared the silt, the surface turned out to be absolutely black, and to the touch it seemed artificial and smooth like concrete. The team took new pictures. Divers broke off a small sample from the anomaly, and then found strangely scattered charred stones near it, a rock ledge split into two perfectly even parts, and strange stripes on a seabed. If you look at all this from above, the picture appears as if this colossal object fell into the sea, crashed into the bottom, and left traces of breaking behind it. Ocean-X employees wanted to find at least something else to help them get closer to solving the mystery behind the Baltic anomaly and the new evidence.

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