SC - Coda Revolver Bunker Fail.. Or Draw?

1 year ago

I know some of you are just as excited as I am about Star Citizen. I know some of us can find playing this game while it's in development frustrating, yet we are still here. I know some of you have come and gone, and others would never play a game like this. Its not for everyone. I'll keep beating this dead horse, desync and server tick rates are gonna destroy this game for some people. Never mind the complexity. Some people just aren't built the same as me and you. Some people expect that when they pay for something, that certain expectations are met. Luckily Star Citizen does Free Flys frequently throughout the year. Currently running until July 17th is the Foundation Festival. Which means SC is free to try. There are 12 different ships available to fly. If you're curious, hop in. Atleast this way you won't have to pay to torture yourself. It's free. Enjoy.

Oh and remember to use someone's Referral Code, Help players get more out of a Gaming Company and grab an extra 5000 starting credits. Oh and if you grab a Game Package during the FreeFly, you and the Referrer get a free STV ground vehicle added to your permanent fleet.

Thank You

Music: How I Could Just Kill a Man - Rage Against Machine

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