Actual Letter From William Wallace To Marion

1 year ago

An intimate look into the life of poor Bill Wallace. It would seem the Willy was using some sort of code when he wrote.

We have here a letter that Willy wrote to Marion when the Brits were doing what Brits do. You know, invading, pillaging and such. Anyway it's very touching, and not in a good way. A bit of side triva: William Wallace faked his death, the entrails the Brits pulled out were his brother Jimmy's. William ran away to America, changed his name to Bill, dropped the "lace" from his last name a started a string of very successful department stores. There's a little fact you can annoy people with, I mean share with people at parties or barbecues or Bah Mitzvah. Anywhere really.

Video created and produced by Fartmonger Studios, all rights reserved.

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