Life Coaching 101 - Our Duty to Heal Ourselves #innerchild #innerchildhealing #childhoodtrauma

1 year ago

Our duty to heal ourselves

I believe it is our responsibility that we heal ourselves from whatever childhood trauma it is that we have experienced. Not only has it shaped our entire lives, but if it is not taken care of, we can pass it on to those that come after us.

Our children learn by watching us and mimicking what we do. This is how generational cycles of abuse and trauma continue. It will be passed down to our children and then to theirs and so on.

If we want to heal the world it starts by healing ourselves. It starts by setting an example for our children so they understand that they can also heal. As soon as we break these cycles, we can begin to live the life we were meant to and show others that they can as well.

Stick with me while I discuss this and other interesting topics. 

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Sometimes all we need is a little perspective. 🌧️ 🌈 🌞

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#innerchild #innerchildhealing #childhoodtrauma #cyclesofabuse #healtheworld #healtheplanet #generationalcycles

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