Police Kriminality By 80EIGHT88

10 months ago

A hardcore reminder of past events that should never be forgotten. The law enforcement was put here to protect us, but who protects us from you? Every time you say that's illegal, does it mean that's true? Your authority is rooted in the people as a civil servant. Judges are no different. We the People elected these people into office. How dare you become a mindless tyrant in the name of global corporations whom encourage you to commit such acts against the Public. The very nature of it is criminal. We have the Power and the Right to have such villains removed by order of the United States Constitution via the Second amendment. In part: a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State. What did this mean? It means we are expected to police our selves. The peace keepers have always been the Sheriff and their Deputies. Not District officers pushing the illegal practice of the Federal Corporation (Title 28 USCA subsection 3002(15) via the District of Columbia. Love and Peace to ALL that have been victims of "police criminality" including myself on a few episodes. The highest respect to the beaten, slain, murdered, killed, seriously injured and unlawfully jailed. These style of cops cannot be humane or human. My only conclusion is they are trained mutts with not intellect whatsoever. -80EIGHT88-

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