'Sandy Hook Police Dash Cam Video does not show children evacuating per Official Timeline' - 2014

10 months ago

Published on Mar 5, 2014

Here is Police Dash Cam video of the car that showed 4 plus hours of video looking across the parking lot of Sandy Hook school. This dash cam video proves that the official timeline of the evacuation of children did not happen as said. The timeline matched with the police cam (both shown) saying children were walked across the parking lot did not occur. No children are seen walking across the lot. There are a few seconds of redacted video, but not enough time for children en mass to have been taken across the lot.

Both timeline and video are shown, all the way through when children are suppose to have been evacuated.

What is the official story.... video tells a different story.

Links to sites of timeline and video are here:


UPDATE 3/6/14 - The Big Difference between SH and other school shootings last year. Plus Lt. Vance screws up in his first press interview. Watch the guys reaction next to him too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9LJq...

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