GTMO Brief: Why did Trump Say He Won't Close GTMO Because "It Will Be Filled With Really Bad Dudes"

1 year ago

On today’s brief GTMO Roundtable discussion, we will attempt to discern President Trump’s statements made on a number of occasions, as to why he refused to shut GTMO down and also said; “It will be filled with really bad dudes”.

Could the signing of his Emergency Executive Order on December 21, 2017 (that is still in effect), give us a clue to what he might be envisioning? WHO could be these "really bad dudes", where will they come from, and what could the crimes possibly be?

In addition, we will add clarification at the end as to why GTMO cannot hold, detain, try or execute American Citizens there via OMC Regulations and the US Constitution.

Unless that changes.

~~~ Linda Forsythe

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