Financial Efficiency ∞ Personal Economics and Financial Decision Making

1 year ago

Financial Efficiency Video Short from Barry Page with Legacy Money.

Let's talk about personal economics and financial efficiency.

Over the course of your lifetime a lot of money is going to pass through your hands. The more efficient you are at managing your money, the more opportunity you will have for creating long term, generational wealth.

Our lifetime earning potential is not infinite. It is finite.

Our ability to keep earning a paycheck will at some point come to an end. Either the job opportunity would no longer be available to us, or our capacity to work will come to an end.

At that point, the quality of our lifestyle will be determined by the decisions that we made in our past.

What will matter the most will be the financial decisions that we made during our working years.

The good news is you can broaden your perspective on financial decision making, and take control of your financial future today.

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Research shows that the vast amount of Americans will transfer away the majority of their wealth to TAXES, INTEREST and FEES… unnecessarily!

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