How ISTJs and ESFPs get along

11 months ago

Clip from one of my favorite movies from my birthyear of 1985, Enemy Mine.

And, by the way: never use actual answers for "security" questions, only other random alphanumeric sequences; such a garbage system is designed to make it easier for snooping/malicious hooligans to be evil essentially and therefore shouldn't even be a thing. Also, its role in preventing authenticity is likewise highly annoying, as they make simple basic things taboo to say out of fear. -_-

ISTJs have Si as their hero function, and ESFPs Se; Si acts as the customer in all things, and Se as the entertainer, basically. Capt. Willis E. Davidge is an ESFP, Jerriba "Jerry" Shegan, the Drac, is an ISTJ. Both have the same valued judgement functions, but Jerry has the customer mode as his first function (when not in a situation of duty or having rules to follow, ISTJs will tend to be more about just their own sensory experiences and somewhat about habits as well), while Davidge has the entertainer/actor as his first function; and here the one who acts doesn't act well enough, and the customer laughs.

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