VIDEO - Summary of facts about the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Nazarius and St. Celsus, Martyrs, and the Feast of St. Victor I, Pope, Martyr and Feast of St. Innocent I, Pope, Confessor...28 July 2023 AD...

Summary of facts about the IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics...this doctrinal and canonical document from the Holy Apostolic See of Rome (in exile), His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, presents the summary of proofs and factual evidence of the heretical fabrications and violations of the Canon Law, the only valid 1917 Code of Canon Law, by the already IPSO FACTO excommunicated heretics, including, but not limited to, the sedevacantist heretics, the Novus Ordo Apostate pro-communist Sect of the layman impostor to the Papacy Bergoglio, the SSPX, SSPX - MC and SSPV heretics and to them related various heretical communities, all servants of Satan and in his evil service of spreading heresies and canonical fabrications, to cause immense destruction of souls and perversion of the Catholic religion, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition...this Catholic Church document deals only with the most essential heretical lies committed by these enemies of the Church, as there are many more examples of their diabolically driven perversions and evils...God will repay them all of it when their time is ended by Him !


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