Rainbow Flag Color Scheme

10 months ago


Rainbow Flag Hexadecimal Breakdown

Vivid Red
Hex: FF,00,18. (F=6th letter. (66 and 6 colors on Flag.) 666

Deep Saffron is 2 words, 11 characters. Deep Saffron is 109 to #’s.
(109+2+11= 122). Gilbert Baker= 122
Illuminati= 122nd day.

Hex: FF,A5,2C or 66 6 colors on flag. (F=6th letter).
CMYK: 352, 827. (352+827= 1179. Gilbert Baker died in NY the 11th state.
RGB: 255, 165, 44. Gilbert Baker died at 65.

Maximum Yellow
HEX: FF,FF,41 or 666641. (F= 6th letter.) RGB: 65. Gilbert Baker died at 65

CMYK: 1, 812, 498 or (1+812+498= (1311).
Gilbert Baker died in March= 3rd month in New York= 111 to #’s.

CMYK: 1, 1, 23. (Gilbert Baker died NY the 11th state) (1+1= 2, ending # is 23).
223 backwards as 322. Skull and Bones= 322

Philippine Violet

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