Detoxification: Your path to better health and disease prevention

10 months ago

Essential information for anyone wanting to live a long, healthy, disease-free life.
Invaluable for individuals suffering from environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivity.
Start moving toxins OUT instead of IN and watch your health improve while you reduce your risk of countless conditions, illnesses, and syndromes.

According to many experts and a great deal of published scientific research, toxins can be the main cause of numerous health conditions. Cancer, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), chronic fatigue ,fibromyalgia, environmental illness, polymyalgia, and numerous other neurological, degenerative, and auto-immune conditions are or may be caused by the effects of accumulated toxic substances in the body tissues. These toxins have been shown to disrupt or destroy nerve cells and disrupt the immune system and numerous biochemical systems and pathways in many different and insidious ways.

Just a few of thee toxins include: lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, fluoride, chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, solvents, detergents, formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, toluene, artificial colorings and flavorings, artificial sweeteners, etc..

These poisonous substances come from a plethora of areas including our air and environmental pollution, fish, silver amalgam dental fillings, carpet dyes and adhesives, press board and MDF board in our homes, kitchen and bathroom cleaners, the chlorine and fluoride in our drinking and water bathing water, chemicals in our toothpastes, lotions, shampoos, air fresheners and plug-ins, deodorant, anti-static washing machine sheets, and zillions of other culprits too numerous to list here.

Our bodies were never designed to be able to protect themselves or rid themselves from this onslaught of toxic substances, which did not exist on our planet until industrialization began producing them in huge and ever increasing quantities.

David Getoff has been helping his patients and students to slowly and safely reduce their body burden of these disruptive & destructive chemicals for his entire career. He also has lectured to halls filled with physicians and other health practitioners at nutritional medicine conferences in order to teach these principles and procedures to those interested professionals. On this first ever presentation of its kind, David is teaching YOU, the public how to work on this extremely important, mostly unknown and misunderstood area of your health. You will learn how to reduce your toxic load and help to prevent or even begin to reverse some of the effects that these poisons are or will be causing as you help them to safely exit your body tissues. Knowledge is power. Take control of your health since nobody else will ever care as much about this as you do.

David Getoff is a Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist, a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, and an elected member of both the International College of Integrative Medicine and the American College of Nutrition. David is a Fellow of the American Association of Integrative Medicine and is an approved provider for the California Board of Registered Nursing. He is also the Vice President of the 60 year old Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation,

David has produced over a dozen educational videos on topics ranging from cancer, heart disease, detoxification, and diabetes to seasoning foods and making healthy salad dressings. He has been teaching this health course, which he developed, for over 20 years.

David has given lectures at medical nutritional, and dental conferences, as well as organic farming conferences across the US.

He is the author of Abundant Health in a Toxic World, co-author of Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally, and has been a paid expert witness in the field of clinical nutrition.

David has added articles, MP3’s, and other information that he feels the learner would benefit from receiving that can be found on his website:

To find many of the supplements that David recommended to his patients, sign up for FullScript ( and get a 20% discount plus free shipping for orders over $50 (in the U.S.). Under “Catalog” go to “David Getoff Supplements” or “Getoff Comparable Supplements”.

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