Is Zach The Celtics Guy Far Left? Yes. I Am Far Left. That’s My Belief & I Will Never Back Down.

1 year ago

In this video, I discuss my far left journey, from one end of the left to the other, in this Global Report (the Global Report with Zach The Celtics Guy) and I talk about a variety of different topics while discussing my journey.

After doing some thinking for a long time; I have evolved as a left winger over the years, but there is nothing wrong with changing. I have gone from being a very radical leftist back in the mid 2010s; bordering on a Communist, then my radicalism in that department has moderated for a while. But over the past year; with the way capitalism is destroying the U.S. and the West and how the modern left; led by Joe Biden, a horrible president presiding over years of failure, record high prices, record high wasteful spending, near-World War 3 with Russia and more, I have shifted in my leftism and have gone further left since then. I have long been a socialist and I hold pro Marxist views and have for a very long time; though I have been up and down on that scale. But I am a self-proclaimed Marxian socialist. I hereby pronounce myself to be a member of the far left and radical left & that is my true ideology and belief system and I will remain on the far left and will remain a Marxist and socialist for the rest of my days until my last breath. No one will discourage me or tell me how to think, what to say or think or what not to say and think. I believe in unity, respect and bringing the left and right together to fight against the establishment and I will never stop fighting against the U.S. empire and against the Zionist regime in Israel & capitalism. Keep crying, pro Ukrainian assholes, neocons and neoliberals, because I will always be here to take a stand and will always keep fighting. Everyone watching me, I love you guys, we in the Z Community stand tall and will never stop fighting. Stay tuned for much more coming your way soon.

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