When The Children Were Taken NEXT DOOR To The Theatre

11 months ago

For years I have sat on the stories that I have been told. For years I have wanted to shout them from the rooftops. As I sat appalled at what I was told, what was the most painful aspect of it all was how it was laughed about, joked about, encouraged, condoned and shared like most NORMAL families share stories of last weekend's family picnic at the park. The discussions I was privy to reduced the worth of a child to nothing and the words spoken AROUND me were also done TO me as I moved about in this world of people who think harming children is ok.

I'm so far past the point of needing the world to "fix me". What I need now is for the world to be aware that this kind of thing exists everywhere and that it's normalized. Beyond that I need people to wake up and begin to protect their children and other children at all costs.

This is not ok.

Even though THEY say it is.


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