[Future Proves PAST Narratives] MAKE America GRAVEYARD Again [ MAGA ]

1 year ago

The Apprentice Crony Capitalism Game Show Host President Arnold Schwarzenegger Vice President Donald J Trump 2024 NATO Expansion Bring back forced Military Draft to [SERV] PENCE FBJ TRUMP Lindsey Graham Chris Christie Zelensky & its Royal EURO-TRASH Familys Narratives of NAZISM [MAGA] Make AMERICA Graveyard AGAIN $
NATO $ NAZIs $ War Criminals $ Fascist $ Crony Capitalism $$$$$$$
Pres Trump ? is he a Supporter of [NATO Expansion] & a Total Supporter of the [ZELENSKY COUP] DJT! Claims that Pres Putin, would have Stopped its Special Mil-Operation in 24hrs. AFTER [His] Threat to SEND! Massive Shipments of US/NATO Arms/Cash/in the END NATO/us. Forces to Battle the Russian Federation Peace Keeping Forces of DENAZIFICATION ?? isnt that WHAT ! FJB/uk/EU is Doing ?

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