5 ULTRA PENNY RARE Coins worth A LOT of MONEY! Coins worth money!To Look For pennies!

1 year ago

5 ULTRA PENNY RARE Coins worth A LOT of MONEY! Coins worth money!To Look For pennies!

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hey coin collectors if you wish to sell any rare US coins watch this video through to the finish and I'll show you where to list them whether you can believe it or not this red Penny went for over five hundred thousand dollars or one million dollars early in 1919 Maine State 69 red green cack sticker on the holder that Lincoln sent in demonstrates that it is an Excelsior dot a 1919 Lincoln in ms-69 is regarded as an incredibly rare and Priceless coin the condition grade ms-69 is given to coins that are nearly flawlessly struck and have no noticeable flaws or defects on their surfaces particularly for coins that are older than 100 years as the 1919 Lincoln sent the Saints year this grade is particularly challenging to get old Penny had a powerful copper red shine when it was sold dollar 421 875.00 sent in meaning State 65 red condition in 1924 s Lincoln the value of the 1924 s Lincoln cent which is regarded as a semi-key date in the series is determined by its extreme Rarity and market demand it is relatively hard to find in popular among collectors at the ms-65 grade minor touch marks can be seen on this elusive Sentinel surfaces upon close observation it has good overall appeal it was sold at great collections auction for fifty one thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars and twelve cents dollars a 1925 s Lincoln s s variant often known as The repunchment Mark s was sent out a 65 for mint condition read by tcgs verified by CEC thus a 1925 s Lincoln letter was sent with a s s mint mark variety is regarded as scars albeit it is not necessarily rare and lower mint in red brown or brown condition but red specimen integrates is high as nearly unheard of the secondary s mint mark which may be found on coins a little Northeast of the main mint mark is referred to as the variation this extremely difficult to find diamond eventually sold for 42 249.99 is 1944 Lincoln cents were minted on a flashing zinc code due to coin deterioration and corrosion this transitional error is extremely unusual Enix did not give a grade in numbers but it probably has really my new details Lincoln cents were reportedly struck in a zinc plated still in 1943 before switching back to a bronze alloy in 1944 according to Heritage auctions expert unintentionally a few 1944 cents were struck on and used zinc plates that were still in place the rim of this coin has a knock at 10 o'clock which appears as too little white averse spots point one is on the forehead while the other resistive chin on a meadow priced at 11 700 is a respectable 1953 vintage 67 plus additionally CC supports this claim this Denver issue is scarce in ms-67 red with a plus classification and at this level CC endorsements are also challenging to find Rich Copper Rose and golden Hues are produced by the lovely satin emit luster across carbon-free services there are no obvious operations it went for 4516 dollars

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